August ‘24 Intake - APPLICATIONS OPEN

A big thank you to everyone that got in touch to support State School Ventures over the past week. We have some of the UK’s most successful entrepreneurs, investors, operators, lawyers, accountants, engineers and sales people on our side and ready to help people from state school backgrounds turn their ideas into startups.

I will write more about some of the incredible people involved in the coming weeks but for now we must turn our attention to the first programme starting August 1st. The deadline for applicants wishing to join this programme is Monday July 22nd at 10pm. The application form is here - please spread the word far and wide and encourage anyone you know and that you think might be good to apply.


  1. Do you have to be at school to apply for this programme?
    Absolutely not, SSV is for anybody who attended state school whether they’re still there or not.

  2. What if you have a co-founder?
    No problem we welcome people to apply in teams or alone, up to you.

  3. What stage does the idea need to be at?
    No such thing as too early but we do filter based on evidence that the applicant understands the domain and the problem they would like to solve. No such thing as too late unless you have raised money (equity money that is, grants and prizes are fine).

  4. How much time commitment will it be?
    The programme is run remotely. Time spent with a mentor will be a few hours a week at most but you will be given tasks to complete between. If you are in full-time work or full time education we will bend the programme around your schedule.

  5. How much does it cost?
    Nothing, it’s free like the wind, as free as a bird.


Why do VCs prefer 'safe bets'?


State School Shout Out